Registration of nursery schools
Registration of Partial Care Facilities/ Nursery Schools
All centers (nurseries, pre-schools, crèches,
childminders) caring for six or more children under the age of 18 years for part
of a day or a week are
required to register with the Department of Social Development (DSD ).
The information about the re-registration was published in the Children's act
Children’s Act 38-2005 as amended march 2010:
Here is an excerpt from the Children's act:
Partial care facility to be registered
(1) Any person or organisation may establish or operate a partial care facility provided that the facility-
(a) is registered with the provincial government of the province where that facility is situated;
(b) is managed and maintained in accordance with any conditions subject to which the facility is registered and
(c) complies with the prescribed national norms and standards. ANNEXURE B contemplated in section 79 and such other requirements as may be prescribed.
(2) The Minister may by regulation exempt any person or organisation or any category of person or organisation from the requirement to register on such conditions as may be prescribed.
(3) Partial care facilities operated or managed by a national or provincial state department or by a municipality must comply with subsection (1).
(4) As from the date on which this section takes effect an existing place of care registered or deemed to be registered in terms of the Child Care Act must be regarded as having been registered in terms of this section as a partial care facility.
(5) A facility referred to in subsection (4) is regarded as a registered partial care facility for a period of five years from the date on which that subsection takes effect, unless its registration is cancelled in terms of section 84 before the expiry of that period.
Application for registration and renewal of registration
(1) An application for registration or conditional registration of a partial care facility or for the reinstatement or renewal of registration must-
(a) be lodged with the provincial head of social development of the province where the facility is situated in accordance with a prescribed procedure;
(b) contain the prescribed particulars; and
(c) be accompanied by-
(i) a report by a social service professional on the viability of the application; and
(ii) any documents that may be prescribed.
(2) An applicant must provide such additional information relevant to the application as the provincial head of social development may determine.
(3) An application for the renewal of registration or conditional registration must be made at least 90 days before the registration is due to expire, but the provincial head of social development may allow a late application on good cause shown.
(4) The provincial head of social development must renew the registration of a partial care facility before the expiration thereof if the application for renewal was lodged at least 90 days before the registration was due to expire as contemplated in subsection (3).
new registrations and
re-registrations must
take place by
1 April 2015.
This date is five years after the
date of publication of the revised
version of the Children's
published in the Government Gazette
No. 33076 on April 1,
2010. See Section
80 (4)
The Department of
Social Development considered
the above as an appropriate law,
and has a mandate
to support care centers
for in this
registration applications.
There is no clarity on what
a school will happen after the
1 April 2015.
The department's
representatives stressed
at each school in order for it
to get done in
the time available.
Where do I start?
Steps to follow for re-registration
Download the documents for the registration process at the Department of Social Development here:
Gauteng Province (All documents are applicable).
4. ANNEXURE B partial care wk 1
5. ANNEXURE B partial care wk 2
10. form 29; part b
11. Form 30
Emergency plan - Download the outline (set by the Tshwane council) for the application to the 'Disaster Management' section of the local municipal council here:
Download the Children’s Act here: childrens_act_regs_p1_54
Download the NATIONAL NORMS AND STANDARDS (Sections 79; 94; 106; 147; 194 and 216 of the Act) here: ANNEXURE B
Other provinces: contact list of the Department of Social Development's provincial offices