When is my child ready to read?
Dr Lettie Horn
This is a question often asked by parents.
The Gr R child is NOT SUPPOSED to read yet, but some children begin to show signs of interest. In order for children to be ready to read comfortably they should:
- TALK and easily understand the language they are going to read in;
- Possess a good VOCABULARY and be able to execute ASSIGNMENTS and instructions comfortably, in other words it should not be forced on the child;
- Be able to CONCENTRATE on pictures and then be able to TELL the picture-story;
- Be able to TELL known stories because they can REMEMBER the content;
- Be able to RECOGNISE known letters and words which they see every day. There must be a NATURAL DESIRE for letters and words;
- In other words be AWARE of the written word.
Dr Lettie Horn
Specialist in: Special Educational Needs, Language Development,
Music Education,SensoryProcessing Disorder, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum, ADHD.
082 654 9233, www.veritas-akademie.co.za