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Oral hygiene
Natasha van Oudtshoorn

With my knowledge as an oral hygienist, it was my experience at home that made me realize things are not always as easy as the book says, therefore I'll give you a few guidelines and tips to help keep your baby's teeth healthy.

My general time line and guide for taking care of your child’s teeth are from birth to 7 years of age; allow me to explain in a little more detail.

4-24 Months

2-3 Years

4-7 Years

Tips and advice on how to tackle cleaning the teeth of your toddler with toothbrush tantrums:

I hope that these few tips will make "toothbrush time" that little bit easier.


Natasha van Oudtshoorn – Oral Hygienist

This ‘Letter from a Mom’ is used with the consent of Bumbles Cookery Club:  www.bumblescookeryclub.co.za

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