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"Only children"
Dr. Marisa van Niekerk

About 50 years ago only 10% of children under 18 years old represented the group of only children.  If you mentioned the word “only child,” people’s first thoughts were of a spoilt brat, or socially incompetent (unfit).

Over the years a lot of books and articles (based on scientific studies, observations and personal experiences) were written about the only child.  Although different perspectives still exist on whether it is good or bad to only have one child, the number of only children is climbing drastically. 

Only children are the first- and last born children in their families.  Although some people can only have one child, while others choose to only have one child, it is important that people know the benefits and drawbacks of having only one child.

What are the benefits of having only one child? 

What are the drawbacks of having only one child? 

What are the benefits of being an only child?

What are the drawbacks of being an only child?

Tips on how to raise an only child.

Considerations that parents should keep in mind if they decide to have more than one child

Many parents, especially career driven couples, experience conflicted thoughts in deciding whether they should have more than one child. 

Ask yourself these questions: What is really good for me, what can I handle?  Don’t decide based on what other people, family of colleagues think.  What do I want to achieve in my life, in my career?  What will I be able to give, handle and sacrifice in a family if we have one, or more than one child?  Consider the above-mentioned pros and cons, and determine which of these are important for you as a parent, before deciding what will be a good choice for you.


Dr. Marisa van Niekerk, Educational Psychologist, 0740410081.








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