Tips when taking your child to the doctor
Wietske Boon
Taking your child to the doctor is never easy. Here are a few tips to prepare them for a doctor’s visit:
1. Tell them WHERE you are going and WHY.
2. Tell them what the doctor is going to DO.
3. Let them pick a TOY to take along for comfort.
4. Stay CALM; if you are anxious they will also feel uneasy.
5. STAY CLOSE to your child. If possible, let him/her sit on your lap during the examination.
6. Try to DISTRACT them by e.g. counting objects in the examination room.
7. PRAISE them for good behaviour at the doctor.
8. If they have MEDICAL TOYS let them play doctor, treating a doll or stuffed toy.
9. NEVER threaten your child with a doctor or medical procedure as a means of punishment.
Wietske Boon, Play Therapist,,